The Learning from Success as Leverage for School-wide Learning program was developed jointly by the Secondary Education Division at the Ministry of Education and the Unit for Learning from Success and Ongoing Learning in Human Services at the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. It was implemented as a pilot from 2002 to 2005 in 44 secondary schools that serve a range of populations: Jewish, Arab, Bedouin, and Druze.
From a Learning Question to a Learning Quest – the Prospective Method is the second in a series of three publications summarizing the three methods on which the program is based. The first method, Learning from Past Successes – the Retrospective Method, has been published by the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute (RR-473-06). The third method, Learning from Learning – Decoding and Developing Modes of Learning, will be the subject of a forthcoming publication
The publication opens with a description of Learning from Success as Leverage for School-wide Learning and its basic assumptions, objectives, organizational structure, and components and the way that the program is documented. It continues with a presentation of the prospective method itself:
Preparing for the Learning Quest: presentation of the basic assumptions on which the method is based and details of the conditions required in order to implement it
Stages of implementation of the quest: a detailed description of the ten stages that make up the method: Identifying an area in school life that needs to be changed; Selecting the target population for the program; Broadening the circle of participants in the learning workshop and team-building for members of the action circle; Defining the learning question; Setting out alternative courses of action and selecting one of them; Devising an action plan and establishing the measures of success; Implementing the program and gathering the data alongside ongoing learning based on action and identification of unresolved issues; Identifying the principles leading to the pupils’ success; Identifying positive and negative by-products and barriers; Public discussion, publication, and dissemination
The documentation form for the Learning Quest, a range of learning questions addressed by the schools that participated in the pilot, and documentation of the Quest in three schools (Arara Comprehensive High School in the Negev, ORT School, Acre, and the Hula Valley Regional High School at Kefar Blum) are presented in the appendices.
The publication of The Second Method: From a Learning Question to a Learning Quest – The Prospective Method will enable organizations and professionals engaged in human services to address unresolved issues and thereby to promote both their professionalism and their shared learning culture.
This report was supported by the Marshall Weinberg Fund for Professional Collaboration and Development.