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The objective of the current study was to assess the needs of the immigrants a year and a half after their arrival, i.e., to evaluate their integration in a range of areas of life and their integration and acclimatization outcomes.
The Social Inclusion Team at the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute is currently evaluating the Chanoch LaNa'ar program, and the Institute’s Outcomes Team was asked to design logic models for the program. The logic model is a key tool in outcomes thinking, which seeks to trace change theory and help in developing measurement systems, analyzing data and in learning about the program. The model gives a graphic presentation of the program’s main components – characteristics, needs, inputs, outputs, and outcomes – and illustrates their connections visually. It is a widely used tool for planning, conceptualization, and tracking changes.
In light of the current situation, the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute developed a questionnaire of critical needs of children and youth. The indicators included in this questionnaire are based on current knowledge on the effects of emergencies, crises, and unusual situations on children and youth and the purpose of the questionnaire is to highlight the characteristics, needs, and strengths that should be considered in these situations.
This manual is the product of a joint initiative by the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Outcomes Team and 360° - The National Program for Children and Youth at Risk. It is intended to help communities reorganize during and after the crisis based on the principles of outcome thinking that form the basis of 360° and which have been adapted to emergency and crisis situations. At the end of the manual are four appendices that will help in its implementation.
The objectives of this review are to: Establish the theoretical basis for the Strengths Section in TAMI ; Optimize and update the Strengths Section in TAMI so it will be aligned with the most recent approaches regarding the measurement and evaluation of strengths among children and youth ; Promote the application of the strengths perspective in the program based on best practices identified.
The Division of Research, Planning and Training at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs and the Authority contacted the Outcomes Team at the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, to develop a computerized system for the Authority in order to design the intervention plan and to measure its outcomes on an ongoing basis, based on the principles of the outcome-oriented thinking. This report addresses the first stage of the process, including: mapping the characteristics, needs, and strengths of the individuals in the Authority’s facilities, and assessing the suitability of the questionnaire developed for ongoing use.
The goals of this study were: to characterize the non-exercising population; to examine the reasons for unexercised eligibility for rehabilitation and mobility devices; and to evaluate the eligibility approval process for rehabilitation and mobility devices.
The objectives of this research were: 1. Conduct in-depth analyses of the domestic violence phenomenon among specific population groups: Arabs, new immigrants, LGBTQs, and people with disabilities 2. Conduct advanced statistical analysis for an in-depth examination of the correlations between various types of domestic violence and their risk factors.
The objectives of the stuy were to examine changes in PSMI's utilization of MH services, including community-based MH care, psychiatric rehabilitation ('rehabilitation basket' services) and psychiatric hospitalization, as well as of general healthcare services, five years after the reform went into effect. The study also examined the aspects in which the reform achieved its goals and the aspects in which the concerns that were raised regarding its implementation materialized, as perceived by PSMI.
This booklet published by Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute and JDC-Israel Unlimited ovides a comprehensive picture of people with disabilities in Israel.
The study addressed the implementation of the program, examined its operation, and evaluated its impact in the short and long terms. The goal of the study was to evaluate the program and assist with its continued development.