MJB’s Senior Researcher Paula Kahan-Strawczynski was invited to be a speaker at the International Symposium on NEET Youth, in South Korea in September. NEET are youth not in employment, education or training. Her trip was sponsored by the South Korean Youth Policy Institute who asked Paula and some experts from other countries to speak about the needs of, and policy and services for, NEET young adults, with a view to creating effective programs for them.
Paula spoke about the scope of the NEET phenomenon in Israel, and the characteristics of different sub-groups of young people. Her lecture described the key programs available and the directions being considered to help them, depending on their situation and the extent of their needs.
The lecture and the Symposium were an excellent opportunity to share MJB’s research. For some participants, it was their first time hearing about Israel’s experience in this field. Paula made contacts and exchanged professional knowledge with other international experts and learned about employment opportunities, prevention programs, and work experience for NEED youth.