Senior Research Scholar and Social Inclusion Team Leader (Family Group)
Social Inclusion
Senior Research Scholar and Social Inclusion Team Leader, Family Group, the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute (MJB), Israel’s leading center for applied social research.
Dori Rivkin has worked at MJB since 1994. Her main research areas are adults at risk, prostitution, and poverty. In her early years at MJB, she concentrated on the former, focusing on services to help parents struggling with child-rearing. In 2010, she began working as a senior research scholar in the area of disabilities, and subsequently headed the research unit. Her main fields of interest in disabilities include the employment of people with disabilities, people-oriented service, and the promotion of autonomy.
In 2018, Dori served as Deputy Leader of the Family Group, which includes research teams addressing children, youth and young adults, as well as people with disabilities, and the elderly.
As of 2019, Dori serves as Social Inclusion Team Leader, which was added to the Family Group and focuses on adults at risk, and people living in poverty and social marginality.
Dori holds a BA in psychology and an MA in clinical psychology, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a PhD in social work from the University of Haifa.
She can be contacted at [email protected] or by telephone at 972-2-655-7456.
Journal Articles
Goldblat, E., Rivkin, D., & Konstantinov, V. (2020). Associations between ethnicity, place of residence, hearing status of family and habilitation of children with hearing impairment. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 9, 36.
Ornoy, A., Rivkin, D., & Barlev, L. (2018). Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Accessibility and availability of services in Israel. Harefuah, 157(4), 219-224.
Ornoy, A., Ovadia, M., Rivkin, D., Milshtein, E., & Barlev, L. (2016). Prevalence of ADHD among 7-9-year-old children in Israel. A comparison between Jewish and Arab populations. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 53(2), 3-9.
Morag, T., Rivkin, D., & Sorek, Y. (2012). Child participation in the family courts—Lessons from the Israeli pilot project. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 26(1), 1-30.