At the JDC Board meeting at the Knesset marking JDC’s 100th anniversary, MJB announced a $10 million gift endowment from the Myers Foundation—matched by the JDC—to secure the financial future of the Institute.
Lee Kohrman, President of the Myers Foundation and former MJB Chair, announced the gift with the following remarks:
Over the last 10 years, the Myers Foundation has invested some $9 million in the Institute and has been a partner in its governance.
Today, I can say that the trustees of the Myers Foundation feel absolutely certain that no other philanthropic investment by our foundation in Israel would have had a greater impact in helping Israel avert and address social crises and in fulfilling the social values dear to the Jewish people and the Myers family.
Over the past 40 years, the Institute has played a key role in mobilizing both public and philanthropic funds and in guiding them in the directions where they will make the greatest contribution.
Thanks to the work of the Institute, data-based decision making, evaluation, and on-going learning are now ingrained in much of Israel’s social policy and program development.
In recognition of MJB’s immense value to Israel, the JDC, the Jewish people, and the international community, I am pleased to announce a $10 million endowment gift to the Institute.