The five-year plan for the socio-economic development of the Bedouin population in the Negev for the years 2017 to 2021 aims to help narrow the gaps between the Bedouin population in the Negev and the general population in Israel. The budget for the plan is NIS 3.2 billion, most of which is devoted to, employment, education at all levels (up to and including higher education), transportation infrastructure, the public transportation system, and the strengthening of local authorities. The Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute is conducting a study of the five-year plan for the Department for the Socio-Economic Development of the Bedouin Society in the Negev at the Ministry of Economy and Industry, which is in charge of implementing the plan.
The study deals, inter alia, with the formulation of a set of quality-of-life indicators for the Bedouin population in the Negev. The indicators are designed to enable an informed examination of the trends in key spheres of life of the Negev Bedouin and to serve as a standard for monitoring their socio-economic situation over time. The study team will update and publicize the indicators annually.
Given the annual frequency of the update and the time lag between actual trend changes and the availability of data for research, the indicators cannot be relied upon for up-to-date monitoring of situations characterized by significant changes occurring in a short period of time. For example, it is reasonable to assume that significant socio-economic changes have occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, these changes are not reflected in the present report, and will only be addressed in the updated report of next year.
Moreover, due to the limitations in the databases available to the study team, the data presented here are largely not representative of unregulated residences[1]. In those cases where the unregulated residences were included in the database, the related data could not be distinguished from the data related to the 18 localities for the purpose of comparison and presentation of the differences.
The list of indicators for the Bedouin population in the Negev is based on the quality-of-life, sustainability, and national resilience indicators published annually by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The national set of indicators was formulated following a structured process of consultation with experts and public participation, with expert guidance from the OECD.
The formulation of quality-of-life indicators for the Bedouin population in the Negev consisted of seven stages:
- Literature review. A review of the national set of indicators as well as other indicators relevant to the Bedouin population in the Negev.
- Consultation with stakeholders. Consultation with stakeholders on the relevance of the proposed indicators to specific spheres of life of the Negev Bedouin.
- Establishing a list of indicators. Establishing a list of indicators relevant to the Bedouin population in the Negev.
- Location of data sources regarding the values of the indicators. A variety of data sources, including the CBS, the National Insurance Institute, the National Institute for Testing & Evaluation, and the Ministry of Health, were used to extract data on the current and recent values of the indicators.
- Analysis and presentation of data on the indicators. Analysis of the indicator data according to selected variables (e.g., years and gender); comparison with other population groups in Israel (the Jewish population in the South, the other Jewish populations, the other Arab populations, the general population).
- Calculation of trends in the Bedouin population for each indicator. Calculation of the ratio between the indicator value in the last year and the indicator value in the first year for which data were available.
- Calculation of the gap between the Bedouin population and the comparison population, including gap variation over time. Calculation of the ratio between indicator values for the Bedouin population and the comparison population, as established at the time of calculation.
This report presents 19 indicators, classified by eight spheres of life: education; employment; health; personal security; civic involvement and governance; housing and infrastructure; personal and social well-being; and information technologies.
Compared with the Jewish population in the South, a trend of improvement has been observed among the Negev Bedouin in the spheres of education, employment, health, personal security, and information technologies. At the same time, mixed or unclear trends have been observed in the spheres of housing and infrastructure, civic involvement and governance, and personal and social well-being. The last two reflect the complex nature of the Bedouin population’s relationship with the general population in Israel and the extent of trust in the government institutions and the local authorities among the Negev Bedouin.
[1] The following terms are used in this report to indicate the various forms of settlement of the Bedouin population in the Negev: the 18 localities – 18 localities in the local authorities (town, local councils, and regional councils): the town of Rahat, the local councils of Hura, Kuseife, Lakiya, Ar’ara BaNegev, Segev Shalom, and Tel Sheva; the localities of the al-Kasom Regional Council: Umm Batin, al-Sayyid, Drijat, Kukhleh, Mulada, Makhul, and Tirabin al-Sana; and the localities of the Neve Midbar Regional Council: Abu Qrenat, Qasr al-Sir, Bir Hadaj, and Abu Talul.
Unregulated residences – residences outside the 18 localities.