Senior researcher Dr. Shuli Brammli-Greenberg of MJB’s Smokler Center for Health Policy Research has been appointed by Israel’s Minister of Health, Yael German, to a new national committee mandated to develop recommendations for strengthening the public health system.
Dr. Shuli Brammli-Greenberg
The committee was appointed against the background of the rapid growth of Israel’s private health sector, a projected shortage in health care professionals, and growing concern over implications for Israel’s ability to maintain the quality of its public services.
This blue-ribbon panel is being chaired by Minister German herself and includes senior policymakers and professionals from government, academia, and the health care system.
In addition, the Smokler Center is preparing a series of background papers on key issues before the committee, including a review of privately financed care in public hospitals around the world. Dr. Bruce Rosen, Smokler Center Director, recently testified before the committee, presenting relevant MJB findings together with a conceptual framework to address the committee’s agenda.
The committee is meeting intensively and expects to issue its recommendations in 2013.
This is clearly a unique opportunity for MJB to harness its accumulated expertise to address the most significant challenges facing Israeli health care today.