Community Services for Children at-Risk, Aged 6-11, and their Families

At the end of 2013, children aged 6-11 in Israel numbered 885,710 (Central Bureau of Statistics). The identification and mapping of children at risk in localities participating in 360 ° – the National Program for Children and Youth at Risk – showed that some 18% of all 6-11-year-olds in these localities are at risk.

The goal of this study was to present an up-to-date picture of the main community services and programs for children at risk, aged 6-11. The data obtained will serve professionals dealing with this age group in order to continue to develop responses to help the children and their families. The study broadly examined the area of social services and formal education and, to a more limited extent, the area of health. The report describes firstly the main government units and their area of responsibility. It goes on it relates to key policies and reforms implemented in recent years and, lastly, to the main programs of the various units and to inter-ministerial programs. Note that the mapping does not include all existing programs for children at risk in this age group.

The main sources of data of the study were:

  • Existing mapping studies
  • Data found on the Internet and in government documents
  • Data on the main programs, from their directors
  • In-depth interviews with six key ministerial representatives.

As part of a broad effort to understand the needs of children aged 6-11 in Israel, a secondary analysis was conducted of the data from all available sources from the past decade, that will be published separately. Both studies were commissioned by Ashalim-JDC-Israel, funded with its assistance and guided by a steering committee.

Citing suggestion: Kahan-Strawczynski, P., & Amiel, S. (2016). Community Services for Children at-Risk, Aged 6-11, and their Families. RR-723-16. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. (Hebrew)