What are the income, health and social characteristics of the elderly? What is the extent of services for the elderly, and what are the patterns of development of these services?
Are the elderly satisfied with their lives and their living environment? How do they feel about their economic situation?
What are the main differences among sub-groups of the elderly? What is their geographic distribution, and how do their socio-demographic characteristics and the availability of services differ by region and locality? What are the main trends regarding the characteristics of the elderly and the services they receive over time?
The answers to these and many other questions are available in the 2009 Statistical Abstract. Over the years it has been published, the Abstract has become a key, highly valued tool for planners and policymakers, statisticians, researchers, and students.
The Abstract addresses the demographics of the elderly, their health status, the health services they consume and their socio-economic status. It also covers the system of services available to them. A special chapter has been devoted to a comparison of the elderly population in Israel with that in other countries. In presenting the data, we attempted to identify trends and changes over time and, to the extent possible, to identify differences among population groups and among geographic regions.
Publication of the Statistical Abstract was made possible thanks to close cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics and the ministries and organizations that serve the elderly. We hope to continue to update, expand, and develop the Abstract and publish it annually, so that it may continue to serve policymakers and service planners, as well as researchers and students. The data provide an essential knowledge base for planning, as well as for a discussion of needs and solutions and the gaps between them within various population groups.
The Statistical Abstract is produced by MASHAV – a national data base for planning in gerontology, which is managed jointly by the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute and ESHEL – the Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged.
Citations in the professional and academic literature
Khvorostianov, N., Elias, N., & Nimrod, G. (2012). ‘Without it I am nothing’: The internet in the lives of older immigrants. New Media & Society, 14(4), 583-599.
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Asiskovitch, S. (2013). The Long-Term Care Insurance Program in Israel: solidarity with the elderly in a changing society. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 2(1), 3.
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Hantman, S., Oz, M. B., Gutman, C., & Criden, W. (2013). Bringing older adults into the classroom: The sharing community model. Gerontology & geriatrics education, 34(2), 135-149.
Litwin, H., Shrira, A., & Shmotkin, D. (2012). Self-reported functional status among the old-old: a comparison of two Israeli cohorts. Journal of aging and health, 24(5), 846-862.
Gross, R., Brammli-Greenberg, S., & Bentur, N. (2003). Women Caring for Disabled Parents and Other Relatives: Implications for Social Workersm in the Health Services. Social work in health care, 37(4), 19-37.
Burr, J. A., Lowenstein, A., Tavares, J. L., Coyle, C., Mutchler, J. E., Katz, R., & Khatutsky, G. (2012). The living arrangements of older immigrants from the former Soviet Union: A comparison of Israel and the United States. Journal of aging studies, 26(4), 401-409.
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Dolberg, P., Shiovitz-Ezra, S., & Ayalon, L. (2016). Migration and changes in loneliness over a 4-year period: the case of older former soviet union immigrants in Israel. European journal of ageing, 13(4), 287-297.
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