Israel’s hi-tech industry is characterized by a great demand for employees. However, representation of the Arab population in this field is low and young Arabs trying to enter the hi-tech industry face many challenges. In recent years, government policy and many initiatives in the private sector and the third sector have implemented various strategies to increase the integration of Arabs with academic degrees into employment in the hi-tech sector. The JDC-TEVET Employment Initiative and the non-profit ItWorks developed the Excel HT Program. Beyond their personal success, the graduates are committed to participate in efforts to encourage other students to follow in their footsteps.
The program began in 2009 and focuses on Arab engineering students who show potential for excellence and social leadership. Participants attend the ORT Braude Engineering College, Haifa University and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. They receive a scholarship of NIS 5,000 and academic assistance in professional English, and participate in workshops of leadership, “soft skills,” and preparation for the working world. In addition, the program includes personal guidance from program coordinators who assist them with job placements and integration into work (for up to 3 years) and participation twice annually in an employment club. They are also required to commit to 60 hours of volunteer activities.
MJB conducted an evaluation study with the goal of learning about satisfaction with the program, its contributions as perceived by the participants and the employers, and the academic and employment outcomes.
Main Findings:
The program components were implemented with full participation. Satisfaction with most of the components, and the program as a whole, was high.
Of the interviewees, 81% of the program graduates reported they were employed at the time of the interview, nearly all in hi-tech, 56% full-time, and 67% in a permanent job.
Over 70% of the employed interviewees were satisfied or very satisfied with most aspects of their work: Degree of interest in the work, degree of job independence, and treatment by superiors and colleagues.
Following the pilot and the publication of the evaluation findings, the Ministry of Economy has now expanded the program on a national basis. The program is assimilated in almost every part of the country.
The study was conducted with the funding of JDC-TEVET.
Citing suggestion: Hendin, A. (2016). From Higher Education to Employment: Evaluation of the Excel HT Program for Arab Students in Hi-Tech Fields – Summary Report. RR-722-16. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. (Hebrew)