Hila Dolev

Senior Research Scholar and Team Leader, Quality Assurance Team

Quality Assurance

Senior Research Scholar and Team Leader, Quality Assurance Team, Quality in Social Services Group, the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute (MJB), Israel’s leading center for applied social research.

Hilla has worked at MJB since 2010.  She currently heads the Quality Assurance team at the Division for Quality in the Social Services. Over the years, she has assisted the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education to construct and upgrade their regulatory systems to improve the quality of care.  She has worked with a diversity of services, community-based and residential, for different populations, including the elderly, people with addictions, and children and youth at risk.  In the past two years, she has focused on constructing QA processes at early-childhood centers operating on the “One-Stop Shop” organizational model.  She has also evaluated programs to train senior officials in the government, local government and civil society in leading collaborations to improve services for the residents of Israel.

Hilla has a BA in sociology and political science and a MA in organizational studies, both from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.  She also has extensive training and experience as a group facilitator and in qualitative research methodologies.

She can be contacted at [email protected].

Journal Articles

Dolev, H., & Benish, A. (2025). Rationales for service user participation in social care: A regulatory perspective. International Journal of Social Welfare34(1), e12713. . https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsw.12713

Dolev, H., & Benish, A. (2023). Classifying participatory methods in social care regulation. Social Policy & Administration. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12995