Ayelet Berg-Warman, a senior researcher at MJB’s Center for Research on Aging, attended the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Conference in Dublin in April 2015. Experts on gerontology and geriatrics from all over the world came to hear a range of lectures and symposia on global population aging. In the words of the conference program: “The Dublin Congress with the theme of ‘Unlocking the Demographic Dividend’ is expected to give us a global insight and vision to transform the challenges of population ageing to a celebration for humankind.”
Ayelet gave a presentation on the evaluation of the Israeli initiative to develop sophisticated sensors that monitor distress for use of the elderly living at home. Her presentation on “A Sensor-Based System for Aging Well in Place – Findings from an Evaluative Study” was well received. This is an evaluation of a JDC-Eshel program.
Participants exchanged information about practices and theory in different countries on topics such as elderly abuse, employment of the older population, loneliness, quality of life, and family caregivers. The session “Aging and Dying: Anxieties among Second-Generation Holocaust Survivors: The Role of Parental Communication and Attachment Patterns” was particularly relevant and impressive.